Cash Wallet

Send and Receive BCH

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βœ”οΈ Free

Cash Wallet is a free BCH web browser wallet. Your only cost is the tiny transaction fee for Bitcoin Cash network processing.

πŸ–ŠοΈπŸ–‹οΈ Multi-Signature

Offering a fully transparent multi-signature solution which works seamlessly offline and with third-party BCH software.

⛓️ Transactions

Create, verify, sign and broadcast custom transactions online with advanced features and minimal effort!

πŸ‘› Wallet

Quick access to an online wallet where only you have access to your own private keys!


Supporting BCH addresses plus access to your own private keys!


Check out these other BCH projects!
Cash Explorer
Cash Price
Paper Cash

Cash Wallet to send and receive BCH

BCH Address Create a new BCH address & public/private key-pair

Remember to write down these codes and keep the Private Key secret as it is the only way to redeem the wallet funds! You will need this information in a later step.

Advanced Options

You can use the advanced options below to generate different kind of keys and addresses.

Multi-Signature Address Create a new secure multi-signature address

Public keys can be created in your browser or from your third-party BCH client.

Enter the public keys of all the participants to create a multi-signature address. Maximum of 15 participants allowed. Compressed and uncompressed public keys are accepted.

Enter the amount of signatures required to release the coins

Time-Locked Address Create a new address where funds can be released only after a certain date and time

Create a time-locked address where the funds remain unspendable until a set date and time has passed.

Public keys can be created in your browser or from your third-party BCH client.

Enter the public key that will be able to unlock the funds after the certain date and time.

Enter the or the required to release the funds:


HD Address Create a master hierarchical deterministic address to make BIP32 even easier

Use the form below to generate a master HD Address.

Address Options

You can use the advanced options below to generate different kinds of master addresses.

Transaction Create a new transaction

Use this page to create a transaction

BCH Address, WIF Key or Multi-Signature Redeem Script:

Advanced Options

Enter the BCH address you wish to make a payment to and amount.

Enter the details of inputs you wish to spend.

Verify the transaction or other address options

Enter the Transaction, Redeem Script, Public Key, HD Address, or WIF Key to convert it into a readable format that can be verified manually.

Sign the transaction once it has been verified

After you verify a transaction you can sign and then broadcast it across the BCH network.

Broadcast the transaction across the BCH network

Enter your hex-encoded BCH transaction after it has been signed.

Development Javascript framework, API and more

This section is currently under development and is subject to change.

Testimonials for Cash Wallet

To Use Cash Wallet



Unique Features of Cash Wallet

Step-by-step guide for using Bitcoin Cash online wallets


Testimonials for Cash Wallet

"I've tried several Bitcoin Cash wallets, but Cash Wallet stands out as the best choice for me. Not only is it incredibly easy to use, but it also offers features that other wallets lack. I particularly appreciate the send all button, which allows me to empty my wallet without the hassle of calculating remaining funds and transaction fees. Plus, the multiple recipients feature comes in handy when I need to send Bitcoin Cash to different addresses in a single transaction. What's more, the print option is a fantastic addition, making it convenient for others to send funds to my wallet without the need for a digital transfer. With Cash Wallet, I can confidently manage my Bitcoin Cash holdings knowing that my transactions are secure, efficient, and accessible to others when needed."

- Mark M.

"I've been using Cash Wallet for my small business transactions, and I couldn't be happier with the experience. The unlimited wallets feature allows me to keep my business finances organized and separate from my personal funds, giving me peace of mind and making accounting a breeze. The low flat transaction fee is also a big plus, as it helps me keep my operating costs down. Whether I'm sending payments to suppliers or receiving payments from customers, Cash Wallet has become an indispensable tool for managing my Bitcoin Cash transactions."

- Alex H.

"Cash Wallet has been a game-changer for me! As a freelancer, I need a reliable and user-friendly way to manage my Bitcoin Cash transactions, and Cash Wallet delivers exactly that. I love how easy it is to set up multiple wallets for different projects, and the low flat transaction fee ensures that I always know what to expect. Plus, the ability to send different amounts to different addresses in a single action is a huge time-saver for me. Thanks to Cash Wallet, managing my Bitcoin Cash has never been easier!"

- Sarah L.
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To Use Cash Wallet

To use Cash Wallet, select the "Wallet" link (click the three horizontal bars in the upper-right for mobile device users) and then enter login credentials. Other features can be found next to the wallet link, but they are for advanced users. You can make as many wallets as you please by entering new unique passwords.

Cash Wallet is a Bitcoin Cash digital currency wallet running completely within your device browser. It operates exclusively with the Bitcoin Cash, or "BCH", version of the Bitcoin protocol. This software version, or fork, is completely backwards-compatible with the original Bitcoin blockchain software and follows its original roadmap guidance of the founder. As a software protocol it can only transmit information and it cannot send commodities or tangible forms of property. That information, like other types of speech, transmits useful value to its recipient. This value is transmitted from one node to the next as a form of payment and is therefore referred to as a digital currency. It shares the complete immutable payment transaction history and is the recommended software for all future use and upcoming upgrades. In order to reach a critical mass of users and maximum utility it is recommended to use only Bitcoin Cash software and no other version of Bitcoin, or any other digital currency.

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This site does not collect and store information about users including location or transaction data via its servers nor does it store private keys.

This code is not made available in the commons, meaning impersonators are easier to identify and take down.

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Unique Features Cash Wallet Offers

  • Unlimited Wallets: Cash Wallet enables an unlimited number of wallets per user by allowing any email/password combination for creating a new wallet.
  • Low Flat Transaction Fee: Cash Wallet features a low flat transaction fee so users do not need to guess how much of a fee to add, and calculating how much will be sent is consistent.
  • Send All Button: Cash Wallet features a send all button so you can empty your wallet without the need to calculate the remaining funds necessary to pay the transaction fee.
  • Multiple Recipients: Cash Wallet enables sending different amounts to different addresses in a single action. Note the transaction fee may differ.
  • Print Option: Cash Wallet contains a print option so other users can easily send funds to your wallet without the need for you to show them the digital version.
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Step-by-step guide for using Bitcoin Cash online wallets

Access the Wallet Website: Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the website of the Bitcoin Cash online wallet.

Create a New Wallet: If you're a new user, you'll typically find an option to create a new wallet, or it will be done by default after entering login credentials. Click on this option to proceed.

Set Up Your Wallet: Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your wallet. This may involve creating a username and password. Make sure to choose a strong password and keep it secure.

Backup Your Wallet: Most online wallets will prompt you to back up your wallet, or allow you to access your private key. This usually involves saving a recovery phrase or private key. Store this information in a safe place, preferably offline, as it will be crucial for restoring your wallet if you ever lose access to it.

Log In to Your Wallet: Once your wallet is set up and after logging out, log in using your username and password to check your credentials work.

Explore Wallet Features: Familiarize yourself with the various features of the wallet, such as sending and receiving Bitcoin Cash, viewing transaction history, and printing.

Receive Bitcoin Cash: To receive Bitcoin Cash into your wallet, navigate to the "Receive" or "Receive Bitcoin Cash" section, unless this is done by default. Here, you'll find your wallet address, which you can share with others to receive payments.

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What is a Bitcoin Cash wallet?

A Bitcoin Cash wallet is a digital tool that allows users to securely store, send, and receive Bitcoin Cash (BCH), a cryptocurrency derived from Bitcoin. It consists of software or hardware solutions designed to manage BCH funds.

How does a Bitcoin Cash wallet work?

Bitcoin Cash wallets generate and store cryptographic keys (public and private keys) necessary for accessing and managing BCH funds on the blockchain. The wallet interacts with the BCH network to send and receive transactions securely.

Why choose a private-source Bitcoin Cash web wallet instead of open-source?

When considering whether to choose a private-source Bitcoin Cash web wallet over an open-source alternative, several factors come into play, each contributing to the overall appeal of private-source solutions:

  • Control and Security: Private-source wallets offer users enhanced control over the codebase and infrastructure, enabling the implementation of rigorous security measures. With a private-source wallet, users can trust the development and operational practices, minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities or exploits.
  • Customization: Private-source wallets often provide features or customization options not available in open-source alternatives. This is particularly beneficial for businesses or individuals with specific requirements or preferences for managing their Bitcoin Cash funds according to their unique needs.
  • Support and Maintenance: Private-source wallet providers typically offer dedicated support channels and ongoing maintenance services. Users who value access to timely assistance and regular updates will find private-source wallets with dedicated support teams preferable.
  • Privacy Concerns: While open-source software is transparent and auditable, some users may have privacy concerns related to their wallet usage. Private-source wallets may offer additional privacy features or assurances to address these concerns effectively.
  • Integration with Other Services: Private-source wallet providers often offer integration with other financial services or platforms, providing a seamless user experience for managing Bitcoin Cash alongside other assets or functionalities.
  • Mitigating Malicious Actors: Open-source web wallets, while transparent, are susceptible to malicious actors who may copy the codebase to create fraudulent or malicious services. Private-source wallets mitigate this risk by maintaining control over the codebase and infrastructure.
  • Authenticity Assurance: Even if a web wallet claims to be open source and provides access to its codebase for inspection, there's no guarantee that the deployed code matches the publicly available open-source code. Private-source wallets offer greater authenticity assurance by controlling the entire development and deployment process.
  • Profit Motivation: Private-source developers are driven by a profit motive, whereas open-source developers may not be, meaning open-source developers may abandon projects or provide shoddy maintenance because they cannot recover the costs.

In conclusion, private-source Bitcoin Cash web wallets offer users a range of benefits, including enhanced control, security, customization, support, privacy features, integration options, authenticity assurance, and dedicated maintenance. For users prioritizing these factors and seeking a robust and reliable solution for managing their Bitcoin Cash funds, private-source wallets present a compelling choice over open-source alternatives.

What types of Bitcoin Cash wallets are available?

There are various types of Bitcoin Cash wallets, including:

  • Software wallets: Mobile, desktop, and web-based wallets.
  • Hardware wallets: Physical devices specifically designed for securely storing cryptocurrency keys offline.
  • Paper wallets: Printed or written copies of Bitcoin Cash keys stored offline.
  • Multi-signature wallets: Require multiple signatures to authorize transactions, offering enhanced security.

How do I choose the right Bitcoin Cash wallet for me?

The choice of a Bitcoin Cash wallet depends on factors such as security preferences, convenience, and intended use. Evaluate factors such as ease of use, security features, platform compatibility, and community trust when selecting a wallet.

Is it safe to store Bitcoin Cash in a wallet?

Storing Bitcoin Cash in a reputable wallet with proper security measures is generally safe. However, users should follow best practices, such as enabling two-factor authentication (2FA), keeping software updated, and using hardware wallets for larger amounts, to enhance security.

What happens if I lose access to my Bitcoin Cash wallet?

Losing access to a Bitcoin Cash wallet can result in the loss of funds. It's crucial to securely backup wallet seed phrases or private keys during wallet setup. Without these backups, it may be impossible to recover lost funds.

Can I use the same Bitcoin wallet for Bitcoin Cash?

In many cases, yes. Some wallets support both Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). However, always ensure compatibility and understand any differences in how each digital currency is handled within the wallet. Note, only Bitcoin Cash, BCH, is functional in this wallet, Cash Wallet.

How do I send Bitcoin Cash from my wallet?

To send Bitcoin Cash from a wallet, users typically need to initiate a transaction within the wallet software or app. They will specify the recipient's BCH address, the amount to send, and any transaction fees. After confirming the details, the wallet will broadcast the transaction to the BCH network.

Are Bitcoin Cash wallets anonymous?

Bitcoin Cash transactions are pseudonymous, meaning they are not directly linked to users' identities but are recorded on the public blockchain. While wallet addresses do not contain personal information, transactions can be traced and analyzed. For increased privacy, users may use techniques like coin mixing or privacy-focused wallets.

How do I keep my Bitcoin Cash wallet secure?

To keep a Bitcoin Cash wallet secure, users should:

  • Choose reputable wallets with strong security features.
  • Enable all available security measures, such as PIN codes, biometric authentication, and two-factor authentication (2FA).
  • Regularly update wallet software to patch security vulnerabilities.
  • Keep private keys or seed phrases offline and securely backed up.
  • Exercise caution when using public Wi-Fi or accessing wallets on shared devices.

Who accepts Bitcoin Cash?

Bitcoin Cash is accepted by various businesses and organizations across different industries. Some examples include:

Why use a browser-based Bitcoin Cash wallet?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to use a browser-based Bitcoin Cash wallet:

  • Accessibility: Browser-based wallets can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a compatible web browser. This accessibility makes them convenient for users who need to manage their Bitcoin Cash on the go or across multiple devices.
  • Ease of Use: Browser-based wallets typically have user-friendly interfaces that make them easy to navigate, especially for beginners who may not be familiar with more complex wallet options.
  • No Downloads Required: Unlike some software wallets that require downloading and installation, browser-based wallets operate directly within the web browser, eliminating the need for additional software downloads.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Since browser-based wallets operate within web browsers, they are compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.
  • Quick Access: Users can quickly access their Bitcoin Cash funds by simply logging into their wallet through a web browser, without the need to wait for software to load or sync with the blockchain.
  • Security: While security considerations are essential, reputable browser-based wallets can offer robust security features such as encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and secure backup options to protect users' funds.
  • Integration with Web Services: Browser-based wallets can seamlessly integrate with other web services and platforms, facilitating easy transactions and interactions with Bitcoin Cash on websites, online stores, and decentralized applications (DApps).

Overall, the choice to use a browser-based Bitcoin Cash wallet may depend on factors such as convenience, accessibility, and security preferences of the individual user.

Why should people stop using Bitcoin and use Bitcoin Cash instead?

There are several reasons why some individuals and businesses may prefer to use Bitcoin Cash (BCH) over Bitcoin (BTC):

  • Lower Transaction Fees: Bitcoin Cash typically has lower transaction fees compared to Bitcoin, making it more cost-effective for sending and receiving payments, especially for small transactions.
  • Faster Transactions: The Bitcoin Cash network has a larger block size limit compared to Bitcoin, allowing for more transactions to be processed per block and resulting in faster confirmation times for transactions.
  • Scalability: With its larger block size and potential for further scaling improvements, Bitcoin Cash aims to provide a more scalable and efficient payment network, capable of handling increased transaction volume without congestion or high fees.
  • Community Consensus: Some members of the cryptocurrency community believe that Bitcoin Cash better aligns with the original vision of Bitcoin as outlined in the Bitcoin whitepaper, emphasizing peer-to-peer electronic cash transactions rather than falsely asserted store-of-value properties.
  • Development Philosophy: Bitcoin Cash proponents advocate for on-chain scaling solutions and prioritize transaction throughput and usability, while Bitcoin has focused more on off-chain solutions like the unpopular and limited utility Lightning Network to address scalability issues.
  • Merchant Adoption: Bitcoin Cash has gained adoption among merchants and businesses looking for a reliable and cost-effective payment solution, with various platforms and services now accepting BCH payments alongside traditional currencies.
  • Philosophical Differences: Some users prefer Bitcoin Cash for its commitment to low fees and fast transactions, viewing it as a more practical digital currency for everyday use, while others may continue to support Bitcoin for its grandfathered in network effects, purported security, and temporary market dominance.

Why is Bitcoin now the wrong fork and Bitcoin Cash now the right fork of the software?

As per the viewpoint advocating for Bitcoin Cash, the shift in perception arises from the recognition of Bitcoin Cash's adherence to the original vision outlined in the Bitcoin whitepaper. Bitcoin Cash proponents argue that Bitcoin's development has deviated from its initial principles, primarily due to the implementation of the Segregated Witness (SegWit) protocol and the reluctance to increase the block size limit, leading to higher fees and slower transaction times. In contrast, Bitcoin Cash proponents advocate for larger block sizes to accommodate more transactions per block, resulting in lower fees and faster confirmations. Additionally, Bitcoin Cash supporters argue that Bitcoin Cash maintains decentralization and censorship resistance more effectively than Bitcoin due to its commitment to on-chain scaling solutions. Therefore, from this perspective, Bitcoin Cash is considered the rightful continuation of the original Bitcoin vision, while Bitcoin is viewed as having strayed from its intended path.

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Settings Making Cash Wallet even more interesting with advanced tool settings:

These simple settings below make can Cash Wallet more useful to advanced users.


Select which network protocol you'd like to use:


Select the network via which you wish to broadcast the transaction

Unspent outputs:

Select the network from which you wish to retreive your unspent inputs

This page uses local browser code to generate your addresses and sign your transactions. The site never sees your private keys. You can even try to run it offline to see for yourself.